Sunday, April 1, 2012

Oooooh the shame!

I hate to admit it but last week, I became one of "those" people.  Yep, that's right, I was having a full blown conversation on my cell phone in the middle of the local Goodwill store.  In my defense, I was gabbing with my best friend, who I speak with far too infrequently.  And, frankly, she has some pretty exciting things going on in her life right now!

So, I am being a generally bad person...yack, yack, yack...scanning the aisles...yack, yack, yack...I spy a cute little pair of 50's Asian figurines....yack, yack, yack...I notice the boy's hat is broken...yack, yack, yack...I discuss with my friend that even though the boy is broken, I will buy them anyway...yack,yack yack...I am juggling my purchases, my purse and, of course, my cell phone...yack, yack, yack...I round the corner...yack, yack, yack...and....

Disclaimer:  Dramatic Reenactment

Craptastic!  Great, now there are employees responding to the sound of breaking porcelain.
  I try to discretely end my phone conversation.  Eeeek, it's the perfect girl that I dropped!  
Oh the horror! 

I hide my phone and try to pick up the pieces which have scattered under the rack with all of the comforters and bed linens.  The guilt is overwhelming.  I insist on buying the figures anyway.  However, when I take the pieces to the register the cashier refuses to charge me for the broken figure.  Did I mention the guilt?

Anyway, here they are all glued up.  I still need to figure out a creative solution to tidy up the boys hat.  They are still lovely, in a poorly lit corner sort of way.
As for me, I have learned my lesson.  I promise never to talk on the phone and thrift again! 

'Til we meet again,
Ms. Adventure

1 comment:

  1. Hi there!

    I just wanted to drop by and let you know I have included you in my Liebster Blog Award choices!

    Keep up the glorious posts! I just adore your so many of your delicious finds!

